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Uplifted Youth


Thrive HealthIT isn't your typical Staffing / Consulting firm.  In an industry where mediocrity tends to reign, we've created an organization that believes our clients deserved to be delighted and excellence is the bar.  


And while part of that is achieved through a lot of hard work, providing exceptional talent, offering creative customized solutions and always doing the right thing...we believe there's more to it than that. 

It's something that comes from within, that drives us to want to give back, to help others prosper, to raise our hands in the air in celebration when we've played a part in helping our clients to thrive.  

We're passionate about exceeding our clients' expectations and our solid, long-term relationships are the core of our business and fuel our success.  If you're in need of some resources and want to work with the best, we're ready to wow you.  


Rasheed Ogunlaru

“Inspiration may come from many places but motivation - the love of life, daily drive and the will to thrive - that must come from you from within” 

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